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Analysis of volatile organic compounds, using the purge and trap injector coupled to a gas chromatograph/ion-trap mass spectrometer: review of the results in Dutch surface water of the Rhine, Meuse, Northern Delta Area and Westerscheldt, over the period 1992-1997
Authors:Miermans C J  van der Velde L E  Frintrop P C
Affiliation:RIZA: Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, The Netherlands. c.miermans@riza.rws.minvnw.nl
Abstract:Volatile organic compounds are widely introduced into the Dutch aquatic environment. Liquid-liquid extraction and isolation by means of resins give poor recoveries for volatiles. In this study, a method has been developed to analyse these compounds with a purge and trap injection (PTI) coupled to a chromatograph/ion trap mass spectrometer. Volatile compounds are "purged" from the sample by carrier gas flow and transported through a condenser to a cooled trap. The bulk of liquid matrix is condensed in the condenser, while volatile compounds are left unaffected. The compounds of interest are trapped at a low temperature, by liquid nitrogen in the cooled trap of fused silica. Injection takes place by flash heating of the trap. The detection limits of the volatile compounds are in the range of 0.001-0.04 microgram l-1, in full spectrum mode. In this paper a review of the results in Dutch surface water of the Rhine, Meuse, Northern Delta Area and Westerscheldt, over the period 1992-1997, is presented. For calamities causing high levels of volatiles, the method is very useful. The compounds can be monitored over a certain period. In the Meuse, high levels of volatile organic compounds are observed. Diisopropyl ether at a maximum of 592 micrograms l-1.
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