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Using unexplained variation in the chemical composition of organisms for identification of xenobiotics in ecological studies
Authors:D. Yu. Nokhrin  Yu. G. Gribovskii  N. A. Davydova
Affiliation:1.Ural Branch of All-Russia Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitary, Hygiene, and Ecology,Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chelyabinsk,Russia
The contents of ten metals in the bone and muscle tissues were studied in three fish species from a water body located in the impact zone of a copper smelter. In the course of principal component analysis with “tissue” and “species” taken as instrumental variables (IVs), a high proportion of unexplained IV variance was revealed for xenobiotic elements, and the procedure of optimal scaling by the CATPCA method allowed their pattern to be estimated. It is proposed to use the unexplained variance of multidimensional data on the chemical composition of organisms for identifying the pattern of xenobiotics in environmental objects.
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