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引用本文:李晓波,吴水波,顾平. 铁盐和铝盐混凝微滤工艺除As(V)的比较研究[J]. 环境科学, 2007, 28(10): 2198-2202
作者姓名:李晓波  吴水波  顾平
摘    要:
选择FeCl3和Al2(SO4)3作混凝剂,采用小试规模的混凝微滤膜反应器比较了铁盐和铝盐混凝微滤工艺的除As(V)效果、相关性能指标及适用范围.结果发现,Fe3+投加量为4 mg/L、Al2(SO4)3投加量为50 mg/L时,铁盐和铝盐工艺的除As(V)效果大致相当,均可使水中As(V)的浓度从100 μg/L左右降低到10 μg/L以下,最低为1.68 μg/L.出水浊度均小于0.1 NTU,出水中铁、铝和SO2-4浓度均符合饮用水标准.铁盐工艺出水pH值比原水大约高0.5,铝盐工艺处理前后水的pH值基本不变.反应器运行结束静沉24 h后,铁盐工艺浓缩比为1 791,是铝盐工艺的2.54倍,污泥中As(V)的含量也大大高于铝盐工艺,去除同等重量的As(V)所产生的污泥量较铝盐工艺少得多.因此,对于仅有砷超标的饮用水,应优先考虑铁盐工艺.按除氟所需混凝剂数量投加Al2(SO4)3,铝盐工艺即可在去除As(V)的同时去除氟,铁盐工艺则不能去除氟.因此,对于砷和氟均超标的饮用水,可采用铝盐工艺同时去除砷和氟.

关 键 词:饮用水  混凝微滤工艺  除砷  比较

Arsenic (V) removal from drinking water by ferric salt and aluminum salt coagulation/microfiltration process
LI Xiao-bo,WU Shui-bo and GU Ping. Arsenic (V) removal from drinking water by ferric salt and aluminum salt coagulation/microfiltration process[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science, 2007, 28(10): 2198-2202
Authors:LI Xiao-bo  WU Shui-bo  GU Ping
Affiliation:School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Two lab-scale coagulation/microfiltration membrane reactors were used to compare the arsenic removal from drinking water by ferric salt and aluminum salt coagulation/microfiltration process. FeCl3 and Al2(SO4)3 were appointed as the coagulants. The results show that the arsenic removal efficiency of the two processes are almost equal. Arsenic concentration can be lowered from about 100 microg/L to below 10 microg/L and the lowest is 1.68 microg x L(-1). All of the turbidity of the treated water is less than 0.1 NTU. The concentrations of ferric, aluminum and SO4(2-) of the treated water are entirely satisfied the standard of drinking water. After treated by ferric salt process, pH value of the treated water is increased about 0.5. However, aluminum salt process does not change pH of the drinking water. The concentration ratio of the ferric salt process is 1,791 which is about 2.54 times of the aluminum salt process. Arsenic concentration of the sludge of ferric salt process is also higher greatly than that of the aluminum salt process. Therefore, the volume of the sludge produced by the ferric salt process is smaller than that of the aluminum salt process when equal amount of drinking water was treated. Accordingly, ferric salt process should be used when only high concentration arsenic existed in drinking water. On the other hand, fluoride also can be removed simultaneously while arsenic was removed by aluminum salt process. The amount of coagulant needed is the amount of coagulant required to remove fluoride separately. Fluoride can not be removed from drinking water by the ferric salt process. It was concluded that aluminum salt process should be used to remove arsenic and fluoride simultaneously from high arsenic and high fluoride coexisted drinking water.
Keywords:drinking water   coagulation/microfiltration process   arsenic removal   comparison
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