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Reducing primary and secondary impact loads on the pelvis during side impact
Authors:Tencer Allan F  Kaufman Robert  Huber Phillipe  Mock Charles  Rout M L
Affiliation:Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington 98104, USA. atencer@u.washington.edu
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine which vehicle factors are significantly related to pelvic injury in side impact collisions. Identification of relevant parameters could aid in the reduction of these injuries. METHOD: Side impact crashes from the CIREN database were separated into those in which the occupant sustained a pelvic fracture and those in which no pelvic fracture occurred, although all occupants had serious injuries. A multibody MADYMO model was created of a USDOT SINCAP (U.S. Department of Transportation Side Impact New Car Assessment Program) test of a vehicle with a large center console. RESULTS: From a study of 113 side impact crashes in the ciren database, nearside occupants with pelvic fractures (n = 78) had (i) more door intrusion (mean, 37 vs. 32 cm, p = 0.02) than those who had serious injuries, but not pelvic fractures (ii) a greater likelihood that the lower border of the door intruded more than the upper part (40% vs. 18%, p < 0.025); and (iii) a greater likelihood that their vehicle had a center console (47 vs. 17%, p < 0.005). Other parameters such as occupant age, weight, gender, vehicle weight, and struck vehicle speed change were not significantly different. MADYMO modeling showed that with a center console, an initial positive pelvic acceleration occurred at about 30 msec, followed at about 45 msec by a second acceleration peak in the opposite direction. Reducing console stiffness reduced the second acceleration but not the initial peak. Allowing the seat to translate laterally when contacted by the door reduced the initial pelvic acceleration by 50% and eliminated the second acceleration peak. CONCLUSIONS: Redesigning the center console using less stiff materials and allowing some lateral translation of the seat could aid in reducing pelvic injuries in side impact collisions.
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