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Subsoil TPH and other petroleum fractions-contamination levels in an oil storage and distribution station in north-central Mexico
Authors:Iturbe Rosario  Flores Carlos  Flores Rosa Ma  Torres Luis G

Instituto de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Ingenierı́a Ambiental, Grupo Saneamiento de Suelos y Acuı́feros, Apartado Postal 70-472, Coyoacán 04510. Mexico, D.F., Mexico

Abstract:Many oil industry related sites have become contaminated due to the activities characteristic of this industry, such as oil exploration and production, refining, and petro-chemistry. In Mexico, reported hydrocarbon spills for the year 2000 amounted to 185 203, equivalent to 6252 tons (PEMEX, 2000). The first step for the remediation of these polluted sites is to assess the size and intensity of the oil contamination affecting the subsoil and groundwater, followed by a health risk assessment to establish clean up levels. The aim of this work was to characterize the soil and water in a north-central Mexico Oil Storage and Distribution Station (ODSS), in terms of TPHs, gasoline and diesel fractions, BTEX, PAHs, MTBE, and some metals. Besides, measurements of the explosivity index along the ODSS were made and we describe and discuss the risk health assessment analysis performed at the ODSS, as well as the recommendations arising from it. Considering soils with TPH concentrations higher than 2000 mg kg−1, the contaminated areas corresponding to the railway zone is about 12 776.5 m2, to the south of the storage tanks is about 6558 m2, and to the south of the filling tanks is about 783 m2. Total area to be treated is about 20 107 m2 (volume of 20 107 m3), considering 1 m depth.
Keywords:Diesel   Gasoline   Health risk assessment   Metals   TPHs   ODSS
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