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引用本文:袁晓燕,余志敏,施卫明. 大清河小流域城郊型面源污染现状与对策研究[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2010, 33(9). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-6504.2010.09.005
作者姓名:袁晓燕  余志敏  施卫明
摘    要:文章以昆明市主要排污河道之一的大清河入滇池的小流域为研究对象,针对小流域范围内城郊型面源污染状况,通过详细的问卷调查和实地采样分析,初步得出研究区污染物产生的来源、产生特点和发生量。结果表明:生活污水排放、地表径流产污、农田排水是该研究区氮、磷污染物排放的三大来源;其中,总氮排放量有54.7%来源于生活污水,25.9%来源于农田化肥流失;总磷排放量有61.5%来源于生活污水,24.8%来源于地表径流。滇池周边地区面源污染物来源和特征有别于滇池全流域的各污染类型比值,面源污水已成为城郊区面源污染物的主要来源,是控制之要点。因地制宜,就地处理城郊型的农村生活污水,科学平衡施肥,降低地表径流排污浓度,是城郊型滨湖带小流域面源污染治理成功的关键。

关 键 词:城郊型面源污染  污染源  污染排放通量  地表水质

Investigation and Countermeasure on Suburban Lakeside Non-point Source Pollution in Daqinghe River
YUAN Xiao-yan,YU Zhi-min,SHI Wei-ming. Investigation and Countermeasure on Suburban Lakeside Non-point Source Pollution in Daqinghe River[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2010, 33(9). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-6504.2010.09.005
Authors:YUAN Xiao-yan  YU Zhi-min  SHI Wei-ming
Abstract:Current status of suburb non-point source pollution in the area of Daqinghe River,which is main pollutant discharge river of Kunming was studied. Based on survey and analysis of water and soil samples of the area,source,characteristics and discharge load of main pollutant occurred in the area were obtained. Results indicated that sewage emission,surface runoff and farmland fertilizers drainage are main source of nitrogen and phosphorus pollutant discharge,in which 54.7% total nitrogen discharge from sewage,25.9% from farmland drainage,while 61.5% total phosphorus was from sewage and 24.8% from surface runoff. Surrounding regions and entire Dianchi Lake basin are different in the pollution source,characteristics and proportion of various types of pollution sources. Non-point source sewage has became a major pollution source in suburban areas,while also should be the focus of water pollution control. Pollution control technology should adapt to local conditions. In situ processing suburban rural domestic sewage,balanced fertilization as well as reducing the discharge density of surface runoff are important measures in the treatment of non -point source pollution in the suburban-type lakeside watershed.
Keywords:suburban non-point source pollution   source of pollution   pollution emission flux   surface water quality
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