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Book reviews
Authors:David Gibbs   Andrew Dobson  Richard Adams  Chris Wood
Affiliation: a School of Geography & Earth Resources, University of Hull, UKb Department of Politics, Keele University, UKc Environment Department, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, UKd Director, TransPlan, UK
Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Development Sustainable Cities. G. Haughton & C. Hunter, 1994, Jessica Kingsley/Regional Studies Association, London

Sustainable Cities in Europe. P. Nijkamp & A. Perrels, 1994, Earthscan, London ISBN 185383, £12.95

Toward Sustainable Development Concepts, Methods and Policy. J. C. J. M. van den Bergh & J. van der Straaten, 1994, Island Press, Washington, DC, ISBN 1 55963 3492, £30.00

Just Environments: intergenerational, international and interspecies issues. David E. Cooper & Joy A. Palmer (Eds), 1995, London, Routledge, ISBN 0 415-10336-3, pp. 199, index, £11.99

First Steps: Local Agenda 21 in practice. Stella Whittaker (Ed.), 1995, London, HMSO, 251 pp. ISBN 0 11 701871 6, £29.95

Beyond the Car: essays on the auto culture. Sue Zielinski & Gordon Laird (Eds), 1995, Toronto, Steel Rail Publishing/Transportation Options, 191 pp. ISBN 0 88791 042 4, pbk, C$ 19.95, US$15.95
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