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引用本文:金磊. 城市灾害学研究及科学建议[J]. 自然灾害学报, 2000, 9(2): 32-38
摘    要:无论从哪个角度来看,20世纪都是历史发展最快,发生事件最多的一个世纪。城市由于是对时代脉搏最敏感空间地域,所以,时时处处反映出时代的特点。城市灾害作为现代及未来灾害的集中反映,越来越成为严峻的话题。无论承认与否,城市化发展进程中将始终伴随着灾情。笔者认为,惟有直面灾情,全面关注城市灾害及其在中国减灾中的地位与作用,才有希望走向未来,并创造城市安全“时空”。

关 键 词:城市灾害 交叉学科 科学建议 人为灾害 自然灾害

Urban disaster research and relative scientific suggestions
JIN Lei. Urban disaster research and relative scientific suggestions[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2000, 9(2): 32-38
Authors:JIN Lei
Abstract:From whatever point of view the 20th century is one that has experienced the fastestdevelopment and the most events. A city provides sensitive spaces for the time impulses and itshows the features of the eras. Urban disaster is becoming a critic subject at present and in thefuture. No matter if one adAnts, cities will develop with occurrence of disasters. The authorthinks that concern with urban disastels and disaster alleviation will help to create safe urban"time spaces" in the future.
Keywords:urban disaster  urban catastrophology  intersecting subject  suggestion
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