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The Influence of Varying Algal Biomass On Contaminant Exposure in Benthic-Planktonic Mesocosms: Copper (Ii)
Authors:K. Arnold Turner   Robert P. Mason  Joel E. Baker
Affiliation: a Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland System, Solomons, MD, USA
Abstract:A series of mesocosms was exposed to a suite of light treatments and nutrient enrichment in order to generate algal communities of varying biomass. the influence of this biomass on the speciation of copper (II) was studied. Distribution coefficients (Kd,Lkg-1) were relatively high (logKd = 5 to 7), indicative of robust trace metal sequestration, and were likely controlled by the particulate organic carbon content (foc). Differences in Kd over time and among treatments were significant, as was the relationship between Kd and foc. Fluorescence quenching was used to determine binding capacities (Lt, M) and their associated binding constants (Kcond,M-1) in order to model the solid phase copper speciation. the Kcond ranged between 2.1 and 5.2 × 1012M-1, indicating a very strong copper-ligand complex, and was higher in mesocosms that received more light. the light Lt increased over time, dramatically after the nutrient enrichment, but did not vary systematically among light treatments. Lt ranged from 7.2 × 10- 7 to 4.9 × 10- 5 M. the large magnitudes of Kd, Kcond and Lt ensured that greater than 97% of total copper in the mesocosms was complexed by organic matter. the total copper concentration ([Cu]T, M) needed to reach a target dissolved copper concentration of 10-12.5 M (pCu = 12.5) was determined for each mesocosm over time. [Cu]T was between 8.02 × 10-5 and 3.41 × 10-2 M, and increased over time. the [Cu]T normalized to the target pCu (Effective Dose Ratio, EDR) increased directly with increases in algal biomass, indicating a direct link between system productivity and copper exposure. Approximately 45% of the variance in EDR was explained by variance in total biomass, while the residual variance in EDR was due likely to differences in the strengths of particle associations and magnitude of binding capacities.
Keywords:Biomass  mesocosms  speciation  binding capacity  binding constant
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