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An annual carbon budget for the kelp Laminaria longicruris
Authors:B. G. Hatcher  A. R. O. Chapman  K. H. Mann
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Abstract:Oxygen evolution and uptake by whole thalli of the large marine alga Laminaria longicruris de la Pylaie were measured for 24 h, once every 2 weeks for a year, using large chambers to incubate the plants on the sea bed. Diel rates of photosynthesis and respiration were calculated from these measurements and continuous light measurements were used to extrapolate the data between observation dates. The resulting estimates were combined with measurements of growth and carbon content to give an annual carbon budget for a typical mature plant. Annual net assimilation was 6.8 mgC per cm2 of frond surface (71 cal cm-2). Approximately 45% of this appeared in the production of new frond tissue, and a further 12% was accounted for by storage of carbon in mature frond tissue. About 8% was needed for stipe growth, and the remaining 35% was assumed to be lost as dissolved organic carbon. Diel net photosynthetic rates reached a maximum in June and July and were negative only in November, indicating an ability to produce a photosynthetic surplus throughout winter. In early winter the plants drew on stored reserves to supplement photosynthesis in providing carbon for growth, but from January onwards photosynthesis provided more than enough carbon for growth.
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