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Water-Quality Performance of a Constructed Stormwater Wetland for All Flow Conditions1
Authors:Bridget M. Wadzuk  Matthew Rea  Gregg Woodruff  Kelly Flynn  Robert G. Traver
Affiliation:1. Respectively, Assistant Professor (Wadzuk), Graduate Student (Flynn), and Professor (Traver), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Villanova University, 800 Lancaster Ave., Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085;2. Engineering Specialist (Rea), Geosyntec Consultants, 3220 SE 52nd Ave., Portland, Oregon 97206;3. and Assistant Project Manager (Woodruff), Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, 1 Oak Ln., Cranford, New Jersey 07016.
Abstract:Wadzuk, Bridget M., Matthew Rea, Gregg Woodruff, Kelly Flynn, and Robert G. Traver, 2010. Water-Quality Performance of a Constructed Stormwater Wetland for All Flow Conditions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(2):385-394. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00408.x Abstract: Results from a multiyear study demonstrate that a constructed stormwater wetland (CSW) improves urban stormwater runoff quality mitigating downstream impacts. Best management practices, such as CSWs, can comprehensively treat the various scales of stormwater runoff issues. Discrete sample analysis was used to investigate the CSW effect for storm events and base-flow periods on water-quality parameters [i.e., total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, total nitrogen, phosphorous (total and reactive), chloride, heavy metals (zinc, lead, and copper), and Escherichia coli]. The primary finding was that stormwater sediment load was removed through the CSW for all flow conditions during all seasons. The mechanisms responsible for the removal of suspended solids, including slower flow velocity, longer retention times, and vegetative contact, also reduced the mass of nutrients discharged downstream throughout the year. Exceedance probabilities were used to evaluate the expected pollutant reductions of nutrients and to incorporate the effect of natural flow variation on quality. Other findings included the observation that there was no significant difference in the performance of the CSW over two-year-long periods four years apart, indicating that a CSW is effective for an extended period.
Keywords:nutrients  nonpoint source pollution  best management practice  storm water management  constructed stormwater wetland  green infrastructure
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