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Reducing hazard vulnerability: towards a common approach between disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation
Authors:Thomalla Frank  Downing Tom  Spanger-Siegfried Erika  Han Guoyi  Rockström Johan
Affiliation:Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden. frank.thomalla@sei.se
Abstract:Over the past few decades, four distinct and largely independent research and policy communities--disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, environmental management and poverty reduction--have been actively engaged in reducing socio-economic vulnerability to natural hazards. However, despite the significant efforts of these communities, the vulnerability of many individuals and communities to natural hazards continues to increase considerably. In particular, it is hydro-meteorological hazards that affect an increasing number of people and cause increasingly large economic losses. Arising from the realisation that these four communities have been largely working in isolation and enjoyed only limited success in reducing vulnerability, there is an emerging perceived need to strengthen significantly collaboration and to facilitate learning and information exchange between them. This article examines key communalities and differences between the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction communities, and proposes three exercises that would help to structure a multi-community dialogue and learning process.
Keywords:climate change adaptation    disaster risk reduction    natural hazards    resilience    vulnerability
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