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Assessment of seawater impact using major hydrochemical ions: a case study from Sadras, Tamilnadu, India
Authors:N. C. Mondal  V. S. Singh  V. K. Saxena  V. P. Singh
Affiliation:1. Environmental Geophysics Division, National Geophysical Research Institute, (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), Uppal Road, Hyderabad, 500 606, India
3. Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, 77843-2117, USA
4. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, 77843-2117, USA
2. 1-33/6, Saraswati Colony, Uppal, Hyderabad, 500 039, India
Abstract:The impact of seawater intrusion was investigated using major hydrogeochemical ions to evaluate the origin of salinity in Sadras watershed located between Buckingham Canal and Bay of Bengal in the southeastern coast of India. From empirical data collected twice during pre- and post-monsoon seasons, it was found that groundwater was slightly acidic to mildly alkaline, and more than 44% of groundwater samples had EC > 3,000 ??S/cm in both the seasons. Results of principle component analysis (PCA) showed that Na?+?, Cl???, Mg2?+?, and SO $_{4}^{,, 2-}$ concentrations had the highest loading factor and the samples affected by saline/seawater were separated from the cluster. Hydrochemical processes that accompany the saline/seawater were identified using ionic changes. It was observed during sampling periods that the mixing due to saline/seawater intrusion varied from 4.82?C7.86%. Negative values of ionic change (e change) for Na?+? and K?+? decreased with the increasing fraction of seawater. Furthermore, salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, percentage of sodium Na (%), and exchangeable sodium percentage in well samples showed that groundwater was unsuitable for irrigation purposes.
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