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引用本文:胡长伟 孙占东 李建龙 区裕雄. 凤眼莲在城市重污染河道修复中的应用[J]. 环境科学进展, 2007, 1(12): 51-56
作者姓名:胡长伟 孙占东 李建龙 区裕雄
作者单位:[1]南京大学生命科学学院,南京210093 [2]中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京210008 [3]临沂师范学院生命科学学院,临沂276005
基金项目:致谢 本研究得到南京市江宁区政府和江宁区水利局的帮助和支持,在此表示衷心的感谢.
摘    要:外港河是秦淮河重要支流,长期以来遭受严重污染。2006年4月份起对外港河进行了综合生态治理。在前期清淤和截污的基础上,7月份开始引种凤眼莲。在上游排污口附近和外港河河口段分别设置的4个生态区以及河面上布设的水面载体内全面放养以凤眼莲为主的浮水植物。经过5个多月的初步治理,外港河水体透明度从40cm以下提高到120cm左右,COD下降了70.4%,TSS、TN和NH3-N分别下降了39.6%、49.7%和21.8%。结果证明,凤眼莲在净化严重污染的河道方面起到了良好的效果,引种凤眼莲治理城市重污染河道是切实可行的;此外,用PVC管设计制作的水面载体来放养浮水植物可以点缀水面环境,美化城市河道景观。

关 键 词:凤眼莲 重污染河道 生态修复 水生植物

Application of water hyacinth in restoration of heavily polluted urban rivers
Hu Changwei, Sun Zhandong, Li Jianlong, Qu Yuxiong. Application of water hyacinth in restoration of heavily polluted urban rivers[J]. , 2007, 1(12): 51-56
Authors:Hu Changwei   Sun Zhandong   Li Jianlong   Qu Yuxiong
Abstract:Waigang River is one of major anabranches of Qinhuai River and has suffered long-time heavily pollution. The ecological restoration was performed from April 2006. After cleaning sediments and intercepting effluent, water hyacinth was introduced to Waigang River. Water hyacinth grew freely in the surface artificial carriers and four ecological areas around upriver effluent outlets and estuary. After 5 months primary restoration, water transparency rose from 40 cm to about 120 cm, COD, TSS, TN and NH3-N decreased by 70. 4%, 39.6% , 49.7% and 21.8% , respectively. Our work showed that it is feasible and effective to restore heavily polluted urban river using water hyacinth introduced to the river. In addition, floating plants cultured in surface artificial carriers could make urban river landscape more beautiful.
Keywords:water hyacinth   heavily polluted rivers   ecological restoration   aquatic plants
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