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Authors:Peter C. Rosendahl  Thomas D. Waite
Abstract:ABSTRACT: Comparisons were made between rates of movement of orthophosphate in a canal and a meandering stream. The meander system had greater algal and macrophyte phosphate uptake rates, and lower plankton and sediment release rates compared to the canal. Chemical precipitation and direct rainfall influences on orthophosphate movement were insignificant relative to other terms. The major source of phosphorus to both systems was from upland runoff. The impact of this source was greater on the meandering system due to the smaller channel volume. When secondary effects of meandering were considered such as marsh inundation, the net orthophosphate movement within the meandering channel was less than that for the canal; due to the lower concentrations of phosphorus in marsh effluent waters. Field experiments were conducted to compare the longitudinal dispersion coefficient between a canal and meandering river system; the meandering stream had a dispersion coefficient over 17 times that measured for the canal. Rates of orthophosphate movement were combined into a single mass transport equation, and a numerical solution was obtained. Internal river and canal channel processes were overshadowed by external point source loadings.
Keywords:nutrient modeling  water quality  meandering streams  channelization  orthophosphate  Kissimmee River Basin
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