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引用本文:廖方,石豫川,吉锋. 大渡河上游某水电站库区滑坡的危险性评价[J]. 防灾减灾工程学报, 2006, 26(3): 337-342
作者姓名:廖方  石豫川  吉锋
摘    要:大渡河上游某拟建水电站突出的工程地质问题之一为库区内2个大型滑坡的稳定性。通过对滑坡的工程地质条件、变形特征、影响因素及成因机制分析,在定性分析的基础上,选择代表性剖面,分多种工况条件,利用极限平衡法对滑坡整体稳定性进行了定量计算。并在此基础上采用能量法、美国土木工程学会建议法和水科院经验公式法对局部滑体的滑动速度和产生的涌浪高度进行了预测计算和分析,由此得出滑坡对大坝安全运营和库区居民的危害程度的危险性评价。

关 键 词:边坡稳定性  滑动速度  涌浪高度  危险性评价

Hazard Evaluation of Landslides at the Bank of Reservoir of a Hydropower Station in the Upstream of Daduhe River
LIAO Fang,SHI Yu-chuan,JI Feng. Hazard Evaluation of Landslides at the Bank of Reservoir of a Hydropower Station in the Upstream of Daduhe River[J]. Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, 2006, 26(3): 337-342
Authors:LIAO Fang  SHI Yu-chuan  JI Feng
Affiliation:College of Environment and Civil Engineering in Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
Abstract:The stabilities of two landslides are the most important issues of a hydrepower station in the upstream of Daduhe upriver.The purpose of this paper is to investigate engineering and environmental conditions of the two landslides and study their deformation charateristics and failure mechanism,influencing factors and cause of formation.On the basis of qualitative analyses,representative profiles and typical working conditions are chosen.By using the slope anlysis program(Slope CAD and TB.exe),synthetical quantitative analyses are made of the stabilites of landslides.The sliding velocity of local landslides and the height of surging waves are estimated using the method of energy advised by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the empirical method proposed by China Research Institute Water Resource.The degrees of possible damges caused by the landslides are evaluated to the dam,lives and properties.
Keywords:slope stability   sliding speed   surging heights evaluation of hazard extent
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