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Equipment choices for dredging contaminated sediments
Authors:Michael R. Palermo
Abstract:This article describes the selection and field evaluation of dredging equipment and techniques for removal of highly contaminated sediments from the upper estuary of the Acusbnet River, a portion of the New Bedford Harbor Supetfund Project. Site conditions as related to dredge selection and operation, factors considered in selection of equipment, and various dredge types considered for use are described. Each of the dredge types is ranked according to the following criteria: availability, safety, potential for sediment resuspension, maneuverability, cleanup precision, cost and production, flexibility, required water depth for operation, ability to access the site, and compatibility with disposal options. A field pilot study comparing three dredge types indicated that dredging could be conducted at the site without a significant increase in the contaminant release from the upper estuary to the lower harbor.
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