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引用本文:夏小威,廖振良. 仿生智能算法在突发环境污染事件应急响应中的应用[J]. 环境科学与管理, 2010, 35(12): 1-3,9
作者姓名:夏小威  廖振良
摘    要:近年来随着中国工农业生产和经济建设的快速发展,中国已经进入突发环境事件频发期。然而,中国的突发环境污染事件应急体系仍处于初级应用阶段,不能满足事故频发期事故应对的要求。因此,建立科学的应急决策支持系统具有重大的意义。在决策支持系统中,智能算法处于核心地位。文章对人工智能领域的仿生智能算法在环境应急领域的应用作简要介绍,并明确了多技术集成化应用的研究方向,以期对今后的研究有所启发。

关 键 词:人工智能  突发环境污染事件  仿生智能算法

Application of Bionic Intelligent Algorithms on Unexpected Environmental Pollution Accident Emergency Response
Xia Xiaowei,Liao Zhenliang. Application of Bionic Intelligent Algorithms on Unexpected Environmental Pollution Accident Emergency Response[J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2010, 35(12): 1-3,9
Authors:Xia Xiaowei  Liao Zhenliang
Affiliation:Xia Xiaowei,Liao Zhenliang(Institute of Aquatic Environment Integrated Rehabilitation,College of Environmental Science , Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:With rapid growth of our industry,agriculture and accelerated urbanization,our country has come into a period of high frequency in unexpected environmental pollution accident.However,nowadays,our emergency response system which is still in the initial stage is not fit for urgent need.It is of great significance to establish a scientific decision-support system which has the intelligence algorithms as a core.This paper introduces the application of bionic intelligent algorithms on unexpected environmental po...
Keywords:artificial Intelligence  unexpected environmental pollution emergency  bionic intelligent algorithm  
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