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Elimination of persistent organic pollutants from fish oil with solid adsorbents
Authors:Ortiz X  Carabellido L  Martí M  Martí R  Tomás X  Díaz-Ferrero J
Affiliation:a Environmental Laboratory, Institut Químic de Sarrià, Ramon Llull University, Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
b Applied Statistics Department, Institut Químic de Sarrià, Ramon Llull University, Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
Fish oils are one of the main sources of ω-3 fatty acids in animal and human diet. However, they can contain high concentrations of persistent organic pollutants due to their lipophilic properties. The aim of this study is the reduction of persistent organic pollutants in fish oil using silicon-based and carbon-based solid adsorbents. A wide screening study with different commercially available adsorbents was carried out, in order to determine their capacity of pollutant removal from fish oil. Moreover, adsorption conditions were evaluated and optimized with using an experimental design and adjustment of the experimental results to response surfaces, obtaining removals rates of more than 99% of PCDD/Fs, 81% of dioxin-like PCBs, 70% of HCB, 41% of DDTs, 16% of marker PCBs and 10% of PBDEs. Finally, fish oil fatty acids were analyzed before and after the treatment with solid adsorbents, confirming that it did not affect its nutritive properties.
Keywords:Persistent organic pollutants   POPs   Fish oil   Removal   Activated carbon   Experimental design
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