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引用本文:左家哺. 湖南省特有植物的分布[J]. 湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报, 2001, 7(1): 33-43
摘    要:湖南省特有植物共计235种(含种下等级;下同),归110属52科,其中蕨类植物25种,裸子植物3种,被子植物207种(双子叶植物和单子叶植物各计125和82种),主要集中于Theaceae,Rosaceae,Dryopteridaceae,Urticaceae,Ericacaeae,Gesneriaceaea,Labiatae(=Lamiaceae)和Gramineae(=Poaceae)等8科,共计155种,占全省总特有种数的65.96%.湖南特有植物所归的属的分布区类型以北温带,热带亚洲,泛热带及中国特有成分为主,分别占总数的20.00%,19.09%,13.64%和13.64%.从水平分布上看,湖南省特有植物主要分布于西北部,计77种,占全省总特有种数的32 17%;其次是西南部与南部,各有51和50种,分别占全省总特有种数的21.70%和21.28%,从垂直分布上看,它们主要分布于中山地带(海拔800-1 600m),计108种,占全省总特有种数的45.80%;其次是低山地带(海拔300-800m),计84种,占全省总特有种数的35.88%。

关 键 词:湖南  特有植物  分布

Distribution on Endemic Plants in Hunan Province
ZUO Jia-fu. Distribution on Endemic Plants in Hunan Province[J]. JOurnal of Hunan Environment Biological Polytechnic, 2001, 7(1): 33-43
Authors:ZUO Jia-fu
Abstract:In this paper an account is given of 235 names (including species and taxa of infraspecific rank) of endemic plants for Hunan Province, belonging to 110 genera in 52 families, in which the number of ferns is 25,of gymnosperm 3, of angiosperm 207(dicotyledons 125 and monocotyledons 82) .There are 8 families with more than 5 endemic species, i. e. Dryopteridaceae, Theaceae, Urticaceae, Encacaeae, Rosa-ceae,Rosaceae, Gesneriaceaea,Labiatae( = Lamiaceae) and Gramineae( = Poaceae),of which the number of endemic plants amounts to 155, being 65.96% of all endemic plants in Hunan. About 1/3 of the endemic species distribute in the northwestern Hunan, and nearly half of the total endemic species are found on mid - mountains at altitudes of 800-1600m. A list of Hunan endemic plants is given.
Keywords:endemic plant  distribution  Hunan Province
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