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Sorption of atrazine and metolachlor by earthworm surface castings and soil
Authors:A. Farenhorst  B.T. Bowman
Affiliation:1. Department of Soil Science , The University of Manitoba , 380 Ellis Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada E-mail: farenhor@ms.umanitoba.ca;2. Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre , Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada , 1391 Sandford Street, London, Ontario, N5V 4T3, Canada

Atrazine and metolachlor were more strongly retained on earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.) castings than on soil, suggesting that earthworm castings at the surface or at depth can reduce herbicide movement in soil. Herbicide sorption by castings was related to the food source available to the earthworms. Both atrazine and metolachlor sorption increased with increasing organic carbon (C) content in castings, and Freundlich constants (Kf values) generally decreased in the order: soybean‐fed > corn‐fed > not‐fed‐earthworm‐castings. The amount of atrazine or metolachlor sorbed per unit organic carbon (Koc values) was significantly greater for corn‐castings compared with other castings, or soil, suggesting that the composition of organic matter in castings is also an important factor in determining the retention of herbicides in soils. Herbicide desorption was dependent on both the initial herbicide concentration, and the type of absorbent. At small equilibrium herbicide concentrations, atrazine desorption was significantly greater from soil than from any of the three casting treatments. At large equilibrium herbicide concentrations, however, the greater organic C content in castings had no significant effect on atrazine desorption, relative to soil. For metolachlor, regardless of the equilibrium herbicide concentration, desorption from soybean‐ and corn‐castings treatments was always less than desorption from soil and not‐fed earthworm castings treatments. The results of this study indicate that, under field conditions, the extent of herbicide retention on earthworm castings will tend to be related to crop and crop residue management practices.
Keywords:Herbicide  sorption  desorption  earthworm castings  crop leaf residues
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