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引用本文:张艳,刘永,雷波,房琦. 基于多层次集对分析的退役铀尾矿库区浅层地下水污染风险评价[J]. 安全与环境学报, 2018, 18(2): 778-783. DOI: 10.13637/j.issn.1009-6094.2018.02.065
作者姓名:张艳  刘永  雷波  房琦
作者单位:南华大学湖南省铀尾矿库退役治理工程技术研究中心,环境与安全工程学院,湖南衡阳 421001;南华大学湖南省铀尾矿库退役治理工程技术研究中心,环境与安全工程学院,湖南衡阳 421001;南华大学湖南省铀尾矿库退役治理工程技术研究中心,环境与安全工程学院,湖南衡阳 421001;南华大学湖南省铀尾矿库退役治理工程技术研究中心,环境与安全工程学院,湖南衡阳 421001
摘    要:

关 键 词:环境学  地下水污染  铀尾矿库  集对分析  未知测度  层次分析法

Multilevel set-pair analysis for groundlayer surface water pollution risk in the uranium-rejected tailing reservoir
ZHANG Yan,LIU Yong,LEI Bo,FANG Qi. Multilevel set-pair analysis for groundlayer surface water pollution risk in the uranium-rejected tailing reservoir[J]. Journal of Safety and Environment, 2018, 18(2): 778-783. DOI: 10.13637/j.issn.1009-6094.2018.02.065
Authors:ZHANG Yan  LIU Yong  LEI Bo  FANG Qi
Considering the inadequacy of the risk assessment system of the shallow groundwater pollution in the rejected uranium tailing reservoir area,the present paper attempts to divide the pollution process into 3 proper layers in accordance with the vertical migration or sinking of the pollutants below the surface of the area and then begins to analyze its pollution risk layer by layer. Since the pollution risk assessment index system can be used for the purpose by integrating the common methods of the risk assessment of the shallow groundwater pollution to reduce the uncertainty of the evaluation system by using an improved assessment method in the following 3 parts. The first part is to calculate the composite index of each factor of the system layer by multiplying the score of each index with its corresponding weight which can be determined through the analytic hierarchical process (short for AHP),while the second part is to determine the unascertained measure evaluation matrix of the system layers. Based on the aforementioned five evaluation levels,it would be possible to find each element data in the evaluation matrix,the data value of the composite index can be taken as the linear unascertained function of those observed. The last part is to the connection number of the set pair analysis (SPA) which shows the actual level of the pollution risk assessment and the risk situation through the set pair potential analysis. Thus,it would be possible to gain the weights of the system layer's items by AHP with the connection number worked out via the evaluation matrix. Thus,the evaluation sample can help us to find that the value data of the composite index Ri should be equal to 7. 377 7,7. 933 8,3. 832 3 and 7. 748 0,respectively. Once the risk is divided into five grades,it would be possible to gain a 5-element connection number whose value is 0. 036 7,which means the pollution risks belongs to the third grade. At the same time,it can be determined that the risk evaluation system of the shallow groundwater pollution in the rejected uranium tailing reservoir we have adopted proves to be feasible. And,finally,the set pair potential e > 1,indicates that the pollution risk of the actual system turns out to be rather low.
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