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引用本文:陆健健,童春富,朱晓军. 江湾自然绿地的生态现状调查[J]. 上海环境科学, 2002, 21(9): 568-570
作者姓名:陆健健  童春富  朱晓军
作者单位:华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室,华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室,华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室 上海 200062,上海 200062,上海 200062
摘    要:在2001年考察的基础上,2002年2月和5月,对江湾机场旧址次生性生态系统的现状与发展趋势进行了较全面的调研,调查发现,目前该区域有高等植物31科61种、土壤动物30种,鸟类43种,特别是湿地景观得到了较好的发育,同时,该区域的部分地段存在环境污染严重,多种破坏环境的人类活动以及外来物种入侵等问题,鉴于该区域地处上海市区,具有较高的环境,社会以及经济价值,对上海生态城市的建设具有重要的影响,建议在职能部门确定发展规划之前,采取有效措施予以管理。

关 键 词:现状调查 自然绿地 次生环境 生态系统 生态城市 江湾机场

Investigation on the Status Quo of Jiangwan Natural Green Space
Lu Jianjian Tong Chunfu Zhu Xiaojun. Investigation on the Status Quo of Jiangwan Natural Green Space[J]. Shanghai Environmental Science, 2002, 21(9): 568-570
Authors:Lu Jianjian Tong Chunfu Zhu Xiaojun
Abstract:Based on the investigation being done in 2001,a more comprehensive investigation has been carried out in February and May 2002 in order to get more detail about the ecological situation and trends of this natural green space. The results proved that the area has much higher biodiversity with 61 plant species, and the landscape of wetland was well developed in this area. According to its position in urban area of Shanghai, the Jiangwan natural green space has great ecological, social and economical value. But it also faces the serious problems, such as pollution, devastating human activity, and the invading species. It was suggested that the functional departments need to do something useful to protect the Jiangwan natural green space before the formal program was carried out to develop the area.
Keywords:Natural green space Jiangwan air port Secondary environment Ecosystems Ecological city  
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