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引用本文:李如忠,邹阳,徐晶晶,丁贵珍. 瓦埠湖流域庄墓镇农田土壤氮磷分布及流失风险评估[J]. 环境科学, 2014, 35(3): 1051-1059
作者姓名:李如忠  邹阳  徐晶晶  丁贵珍
作者单位:合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230009;合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230009;合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230009;合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230009
摘    要:为揭示瓦埠湖流域庄墓镇农田土壤氮磷含量、分布及其流失风险状况,在该镇下辖的10个行政村,采集农田表层土壤样162份.在对不同形态氮、磷含量分析测试的基础上,采用氮磷指数法量化土壤氮磷流失风险,并以基于ArcGIS的Kriging插值技术,对全氮全磷含量、生物有效性氮磷含量及氮磷指数值进行空间插值模拟.结果表明,该镇土壤全氮含量平均值为1.67 g·kg-1,全磷为0.71 g·kg-1;生物有效性氮磷含量平均值分别为0.26 g·kg-1和0.33 g·kg-1,分别占全氮全磷含量的14.93%和47.30%.全氮含量较高的采样点主要散布在侯集村、杨湾村、刘浅村;全磷含量较高的采样点主要集中在侯集村、杨湾村、枣林村.整个庄墓镇土壤氮、磷指数平均值分别为2.11和2.13.10个行政村氮、磷总指数大小排序为:杨湾村>庄墓村>薛桥村>刘浅村>李庄村>金桥村>枣林村>张圩村>侯集村>徐岗村.总体上,庄墓镇土壤氮流失以中、低风险为主,高风险区仅零星出现在杨湾村局部地方;磷流失风险也以低风险为主,中等以上风险也主要集中在杨湾村.

关 键 词:氮磷指数  全磷  生物有效性氮磷  土壤  瓦埠湖流域  风险评估

Distribution Characteristics and Erosion Risk of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Soils of Zhuangmu Town in Lake Wabuhu Basin
LI Ru-zhong,ZOU Yang,XU Jing-jing and DING Gui-zhen. Distribution Characteristics and Erosion Risk of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Soils of Zhuangmu Town in Lake Wabuhu Basin[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science, 2014, 35(3): 1051-1059
Authors:LI Ru-zhong  ZOU Yang  XU Jing-jing  DING Gui-zhen
Affiliation:School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Abstract:To understand the loss risk of soil erosion in the Zhuangmu town in Lake Wabuhu watershed, concentration and spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in 162 surface soil samples collected from the farmlands in ten administrative villages of the town were investigated. The risk assessment was conducted by using the nitrogen and phosphorus index method after speciation analysis of soil nitrogen and phosphorus. Based on ArcGIS technology, the spatial interpolation of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and bioavailable nitrogen and phosphorus contents as well as nitrogen and phosphorus index values were performed by means of Kriging interpolation. The results show that, generally, average contents of TN and TP were obtained at 1.67 g·kg-1 and 0.71 g·kg-1, respectively. And the mean concentration of bioavailable nitrogen and phosphorus were estimated at 0.26 g·kg-1 and 0.33 g·kg-1, accounting for 14.93% and 47.30% of TN and TP contents, respectively. Spatially, the samples with high concentration of TN were mostly from Houji, Yangwan and Liuqian villages, whereas the samples sites with higher contents of TP located in Houji, Yangwan and Zaolin villages. The mean values of nitrogen index (NI) and phosphorus index (PI) for the whole town are 2.11 and 2.13, respectively. According to the numeric size of NI and PI, ten villages ranged in the order of Yangwan>Zhuangmu>Xueqiao>Liuqian>Lizhuang>Jinqiao>Zaolin>Zhangwei>Houji>Xugang village. In general, the soil nitrogen loss is dominated by low and medium risks in the Zhuangmu town, and high risk sporadically appears in local area of the Yangwan village. Like the nitrogen, soil phosphorus loss risk also gives priority to low, and above medium risk concentrates in the Yangwan village as well.
Keywords:nitrogen index (NI) and phosphorus index (PI)  total phosphorus(TP)  bioavailable nitrogen and phosphorus  soil  Lake Wabuhu basin  risk assessment
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