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Chlorinated hydrocarbons and shell thinning in eggs of (Accipiter) hawks in Ontario, 1986-1989
Authors:Elliott J E  Martin P A
Affiliation:Canadian Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1 A 0H3.
Abstract:Eggs of sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus), Cooper's hawks (A. cooperii), and northern goshawks (A. gentilis) were collected from nests in south-central Ontario from 1986 to 1989. Detectable levels of the chlorinated hydrocarbons DDE, DDT, DDD, mirex, photomirex, cis-nonachlor, trans-nonachlor, oxychlordane, dieldrin, heptachlor expoxide, HCB and PCB were present in all the eggs analyzed. Mean contaminant levels were highest in sharp-shinned hawks, slightly lower in Cooper's hawks, and significantly lower in goshawks; for example, mean DDE values were 7.23, 4.48 and 0.90 mg kg(-1) (wet weight), respectively. Total PCB levels were generally less than 1.5 mg kg(-1), lower than those associated with reproductive effects in field and laboratory studies with other species. Mean shell thicknesses of sharp-shinned and Cooper's hawk eggs were significantly less than mean pre-DDT era thicknesses (-10 and -8%, respectively), reductions that were probably not relevant to reproductive success. Goshawk eggs exhibited no significant reduction in shell thickness. Contaminant levels among the three species probably reflect differing food habits and migratory patterns.
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