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引用本文:宋敏,雷耀. 基于CE的不同流向下农地城市流转负外部效应研究[J]. 中国人口.资源与环境, 2017, 0(1): 28-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2017.01.004
作者姓名:宋敏  雷耀
摘    要:发展与保护的权衡是土地资源配置中难以回避的棘手问题。农地城市流转在为城镇化的快速推进提供土地要素的同时,却也在社会、生态方面引起一系列外部性损失,已有研究认为该损失的大小与农地城市流转的用途和周围环境有关,但并未进一步定量揭示其关联程度。鉴于此,本文将农地城市流转的去向归纳为住宅及商服用地、工矿仓储及交通运输用地、公共管理与公共服务用地三类,以武汉市和鄂州市作为研究区域,运用选择实验法(CE)以及多元Logit模型(MNL)识别了受访者对于农地城市流转负外部效应治理方案的偏好,从而间接测度了不同流向下农地城市流转负外部效应的经济总量,以期为实施农地城市流转的用途和规模管制提供依据。结果表明:1不同流向下农地城市流转产生的交通状况恶化、噪音污染、公共设施不足等七种类别负外部效应在类型和强度上有所差异;2绝大多数居民对治理农地城市流转的负外部性具有支付意愿,且在参与程度和参与强度(支付额)方面因农地城市流转的不同流向而有所区别,并且居民的受教育程度和家庭收入水平对选择效用的影响具有显著性且呈正相关关系;3不同流向下农地城市流转所产生的负外部效应的经济总量不容忽视,三种流向的负外部效应从大到小依次为农地流转为工矿仓储及交通运输用地、公共管理与公共服务用地、住宅及商服用地。因此,作为农地城市流转的管制主体,各级政府应当采用经济性管制与社会性管制并举的多样化管制手段对农地城市流转的用途和规模予以调控和管制。

关 键 词:农地城市流转  流向  负外部性  选择实验法

Negative externalities from different directions of rural-urban land conversion using CE method
SONG Min,LEI Yao. Negative externalities from different directions of rural-urban land conversion using CE method[J]. China Polulation.Resources and Environment, 2017, 0(1): 28-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2017.01.004
Authors:SONG Min  LEI Yao
Abstract:The tradeoff between development and protection is an inevitable problem.Rural-urban land conversion provides land element to the rapid urbanization in China,but it also triggers a series of external costs in both social and ecological aspects.Current studies suggest that the amount of these costs is related to different land use change directions of rural-urban land conversion.But they haven't revealed the degree of correlation.In view of this,this paper classifies the urban land uses which converted from rural land to three kinds,including residential and commercial land,industrial and transportation land,public management and service land.The Choice Experiment (CE) method and Multinominal Logit Models are employed to the case study of Wuhan City and Ezhou City in China.The interviewees' preferences of the improvement program of the negative externalities stem from rural-urban land conversion are revealed,and the negative externalities originate from different land use change directions are measured accordingly,which can be the foundations for regulating the usage and scale of rural-urban land conversion.The results can be summarized as follows.First,seven kinds of external externalities,such as noise,inadequate public facilities and so on which stem from different land use change directions of rural-urban land conversion are different in categories and intensive.Second,the majority of residents have willingness to pay for the management of negative externalities and their degree and intensity (payment amount) of participation are different according to different land use change directions.At the meantime,the influence of the residents' education experience and households' income on their choice of utility is significant and they are positively correlated.Moreover,the evaluation values of the negative externalities stem from rural-urban land conversion are enormous.The values are ranked from industrial and transportation land,public management to service land and residential and commercial land in descending order.Therefore,governments at all levels who are the regulation subjects of rural-urban land conversion should apply both economic and social regulation measures to control the use and scale of rural-urban land conversion.
Keywords:rural-urban land conversion  land use change directions  negative externalities  Choice Experiment (CE) method
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