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引用本文:黎金英(Le Kin Anh,艾 欣,邓玉辉. 微电网中典型分布式电源建模及控制策略研究[J]. 防灾减灾工程学报, 2015, 0(4): 1-5
作者姓名:黎金英(Le Kin Anh  艾 欣  邓玉辉
作者单位:华北电力大学新能源电力系统国家重点实验室, 北京 102206
摘    要:
为了实现对微电网的电压与功率的控制,针对微电源类型的差异性,通过对光伏及燃料电池等分布式电源建立数学模型并进行仿真分析,研究其对微电网的影响。提出了基于电压外环、电流内环和功率环等反馈控制器和改进的下垂控制方法的微电网分布式电源分层控制策略。利用 Matlab/simulink 仿真系统,通过在并网和孤岛两种模式中微电网的运行特性及各分布式电源在不同工作环境下微电网的功率、频率和电压曲线的变化规律的分析,验证了分层控制策略的有效性。结果表明:分层控制策略能够使各分布式电源之间较好地协调,满足微电网对其运行稳定性和电能质量的要求。

关 键 词:分布式电源; 微电网; 下垂控制; 控制策略

Study of modeling and control strategies for distributed generation in micro grid
LI Jinying(Le Kin Anh,AI Xin,DENG Yuhui. Study of modeling and control strategies for distributed generation in micro grid[J]. Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, 2015, 0(4): 1-5
Authors:LI Jinying(Le Kin Anh  AI Xin  DENG Yuhui
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of New Energy Power System,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206 ,China
In order to realize voltage and power control in microgrid,aiming at the diversity ofmicro generation sources,studies the distributed generation models of photovoltaic and fuel cell andtheir impact on micro grid,puts forward the hierarchical control strategy based on revised droopcontrol method and feed back controller such as outer voltage loop,inner current loop and powerloop for distributed generations in micro grid,using Matlab/Simulink simulation system,analyzesthe operation characteristic of micro-grid in islanding and grid-connecting mode and change rule ofpower,frequency and voltage of micro grid under different work environment of the distributedgenerations, verifies the validity of hierarchical control strategy. The result shows that thehierarchical control strategy can make better coordination betwween the distributed generation, satisfies the requirements of power quality and operation stability of micro grid for it.
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