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引用本文:赵军,杨凯. 自然资源与环境价值评估:条件估值法及应用原则探讨[J]. 自然资源学报, 2006, 21(5): 834-843. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2006.05.018
作者姓名:赵军  杨凯
摘    要:自然资源与环境价值评估是当前环境经济学的研究热点,条件估值法C(VM)在国外经过近40年的发展已较为完善并已成为自然资源和环境价值评估的主要技术方法之一。但由于缺少一套完备的原则框架加以指导,国内具体实证研究存在不同的问题和困惑。论文系统回顾了条件价值法的国内外主要研究进展,基于国际上已建立的CVM原则并结合我国自然资源与环境价值评估的实际情形,提出了当前国内CVM研究可供遵循的9条建议性原则,涉及问卷设计与预调查、调查实施、数据分析和费用效益分析等各步骤。以此为基础对国内CVM价值评估研究存在的一些问题作了初步探讨。最后指出,环境资源价值评估CVM研究需要遵循的原则和注意的问题,可能还不止于所建原则,具体操作过程可能需要适时适地地调整并需要继续完善。

关 键 词:自然资源  价值评估  条件估值法  应用原则  

Valuation of Natural Resources and Environment: Contingent Valuation Method and Its Application Principles in China
ZHAO Jun,YANG Kai. Valuation of Natural Resources and Environment: Contingent Valuation Method and Its Application Principles in China[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2006, 21(5): 834-843. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2006.05.018
Authors:ZHAO Jun  YANG Kai
Affiliation:Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization Ecological Process and Ecological Restoration,School of Resources and Environmental Sciences,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China
Abstract:Valuation of natural resources and environment has for years been the focus of environmental economics for its significance to sustainable development.During the past 40 years especially since 1984 when Haneman brought Random Utility Maximization theory into the contingent valuation method(CVM),this method has been rapidly developed and became a more and more state-of-the-art technique in the community of environment and resources valuation.However,CVM has introduced into China for only few years,and due to the lack of a complete principle framework,the domestic empirical studies are inevitably confronted with many puzzles and issues,and so developed slowly.This paper firstly chronologically reviews the main progress in the CVM study including both theoretical and empirical respects,the most famed international case studies were singled out and their importance are also pointed out one by one.Then,the domestic CVM cases up to date are summarized in three ways like natural resources protection,environmental quality improvement,and environmental pollution assessment.Based upon the principles for CVM constituted by some notable researchers and institutes,and according to some specific problems in the domestic environmental valuation practices,nine propositional principles are put forward for China CVM as follows,basic questionnaire design rules,socio-economic variables setting,valuation question format,payment vehicle and unit,sample size,pretest and survey process,data analysis and lastly cost benefit analysis,and special attention was taken for the valuation question,which is the core of the whole CVM study,we hold that single-bounded referendum question format should be accepted,in which ten bid amounts should be set with the maximum and minimum meeting the requirement that nearly 90% of all respondents accept or refuse the given amount.According to the above principles,some basic techniques used in the main steps in the China CVM empirical studies are discussed and criticized,and the findings reveal that some drawbacks especially like poor questionnaire design and pretest do exist in those studies,and methodical improvements must be made in the future.It is emphasized that the principles constituted in this paper may not meet the requirements of all studies and some revises must be made for a successful CVM study as this environmental and resources valuation method continuously develops in China.
Keywords:natural resources   valuation   Contingent Valuation Method   application principles
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