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Compensation for risks: host community benefits in siting locally unwanted facilities
Authors:Jeffery J. Himmelberger  Samuel J. Ratick  Allen L. White
Affiliation:(1) Center for Technology, Environment, and Development (CENTED), Clark University, 01610 Worcester, Massachusetts, USA;(2) Environment, Technology and Society Program (ETS), Clark University, 01610 Worcester, Massachusetts, USA;(3) Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, 01610 Worcester, Massachusetts, USA;(4) Tellus Institute, 89 Broad Street, 02110-3542 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Abstract:This article analyzes the recent negotiations connected with siting 24 solid-waste landfills in Wisconsin. We examine the association between the type and amount of compensation paid to host communities by facility developers and the size of facilities, certain facility characteristics, the timing of negotiated agreements, the size of the host community, and the socioeconomic status of the host area. Our findings suggest that the level of compensation after adjusting for landfill capacity is positively associated with the percentage of total facility capacity dedicated to host community use, positively associated with the percentage of people of the host area who are in poverty, and larger for public facilities that accept municipal wastes. Other explanatory variables we examined, whose association with levels of compensation proved statistically insignificant, were facility size, facility status (new vs expansion), facility use (countyonly vs multicounty), timing of negotiation, host community size, and the host area education level, population density, and per capita income. We discuss the policy implications of our principal findings and future research questions in light of the persistent opposition surrounding the siting of solid-waste and other waste-management facilities.
Keywords:Compensation  Benefits  Unwanted facilities  Negotiations  Siting  Solid waste
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