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Geostatistical strategy for soil sampling: the survey and the census
Authors:Flatman  George T.  Yfantis  Angelo A.
Affiliation:(1) Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 89114 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA;(2) Mathematics and Computer Science Department, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 89114 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Abstract:A soil sampling strategy for spatially correlated variables using the tools of geostatistical analysis is developed. With a minimum of equations, the logic of geostatistical analysis is traced from the modeling of a semi-variogram to the output isomaps of pollution estimates and their standard deviations. These algorithms provide a method to balance precision, accuracy, and costs. Their axiomatic assumptions dictate a two-stage sampling strategy. The first stage is a sampling survey, using a radial gird, to collect enough data to define, by a semi-variogram, the ranges of influence and the orientation of the correlation structure of the pollutant plume. The second stage is a census of the suspected area with grid shape, sizes and orientation dictated by the semi-variogram. The subsequent kriging analysis of this data gives isopleth maps of the pollution field and the standard error isomap of this contouring. These outputs make the monitoring data understandable for the decision maker.
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