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Dynamics of Cd, Cu and Zn accumulation in organs and sub-cellular fractions in field transplanted juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
Authors:Kraemer Lisa D  Campbell Peter G C  Hare Landis
Affiliation:INRS-Eau, Terre et Environnement, Université du Québec, 490 de la Couronne, Québec, QC, Canada G1K 9A9.
Abstract:Juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were caught in a reference lake and transplanted to cages held within a lake impacted by mining activities, with elevated levels of aqueous bioavailable copper (Cu(2+)), zinc (Zn(2+)) and cadmium (Cd(2+)). Fish were sampled from the cages over 70 d and changes in metal concentrations were followed over time in the gills, gut, liver and kidney. In addition, the hepatic sub-cellular partitioning of the three metals was determined by differential centrifugation of liver samples, yielding the following fractions: cellular debris; organelles; heat-denaturable proteins (HDP); and heat-stable proteins (HSP) (including metallothionein). In transplanted fish, Cd concentrations increased in all the organs sampled, whereas Cu mainly increased in the gills, gut and liver but not the kidney; some slight accumulation of Zn occurred in the kidneys and gills of the transplanted fish. The sub-cellular partitioning results demonstrated that metal-handling strategies in juvenile yellow perch differed among metals. Cellular sequestration in the HSP fraction was an important strategy used by these fish in response to increased ambient Cd. Accumulation of Zn was not seen in the organs examined, indicating that transplanted perch were able to either reduce influx, or increase efflux rates of this metal. The response of yellow perch to elevated ambient Cu appeared to combine the strategies used for Cd and Zn, as both cellular sequestration and reduced accumulation were observed in transplanted fish.
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