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引用本文:戴丽君,崔伟宏. 2003—2010年中国对流层CO2时空分布研究[J]. 生态环境学报, 2012, 0(7): 1266-1270
作者姓名:戴丽君  崔伟宏
摘    要:利用2003年到2010年的美国宇航局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)的AIRS(Atmosphere InfraRed Sounder)官方反演的对流层中层(500 hPa)左右一段气柱内的CO2体积混合比产品分析中国地区对流层的CO2体积分数分布时空变化特征。所用数据是对AIRS L3产品2°×2.5°网格数据进行处理分析得到。经过对这8年的观测数据(2003年1月—2010年12月)的数据分析研究发现:中国地区平均CO2的体积分数在空间分布上极不平衡,总体高值集中于北部。CO2对流层中层的高值区集中在35°—45°N,形成东北平原、内蒙古中西部地区、塔克拉玛干沙漠和塔里木盆地4个高值中心,而云南地区和西藏南部上空的CO2值偏低。与中国地区8年平均CO2体积分数变化特征大体一致,每月(8年平均值)分布趋势也呈北部地区和东部地区高而南方体积分数值相对低的特征。CO2月平均体积分数的最高值一般出现在每年的4月或者5月,而每年的最低值则出现在每年的1月。对流层中层CO2体积分数呈现明显季节变化,总体上来说,从2003年到2010年这8年中,平均春、夏两季对流层中CO2含量较高,而秋、冬季CO2低于春夏两季。

关 键 词:对流层CO2  AIRS  时空分布

Temporal and spatial distribution of tropospheric carbon dioxide from 2003 to 2010 in China
DAI Lijun,CUI Weihong. Temporal and spatial distribution of tropospheric carbon dioxide from 2003 to 2010 in China[J]. Ecology and Environment, 2012, 0(7): 1266-1270
Authors:DAI Lijun  CUI Weihong
Affiliation:1,JIANG Yibing2 1.Institute Of Remote Sensing Applications,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;2.Chapman University,Schmid College of Science & Technology,California 92866,USA
Abstract:Based on the data come form NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)’s official AIRS(Atmosphere InfraRed Sounder) mid-troposphere(500 hPa) CO2 retrieval product,this paper analyzes the temporal and spatial patterns of the tropospheric carbon dioxide from 2003 to 2010 in China.All data used in this paper are AIRS Level 3 products with spatial resolution of 2° by 2.5°.After the systematic analysis of the data we find that the spatial distribution of the average concentration of CO2is very uneven,the highest CO2level is in the northern China with significant enhancements in 35°-45° N range.Northeast Plain,Inner Mongolia,the Taklimakan Desert and the Tarim Basin are four high concentration centers of this region.Yunnan province and southern Tibet have lower concentration level of CO2.The spatial distributions of monthly average CO2concentration of 8 years also have the similar trend.The higher concentration levels are occurred in northern and eastern China and the lower concentration level is in southern China.Middle troposphere CO2 concentration also has significant seasonal variation in China.The highest level in China almost occurred in April or May,and the lowest level always happened in January.In general,form 2003 to 2010 the concentrations of CO2in the mid troposphere are higher in spring and summer than in autumn and winter.
Keywords:mid-troposphere CO2  AIRS  temporal and spatial distribution
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