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引用本文:张程1,马晓东2,杨可明2. 结合遥感影像的矿山开采沉陷专题信息三维表达[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2016, 12(7): 87-93. DOI: 10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2016.07.016
作者姓名:张程1  马晓东2  杨可明2
作者单位:(1.淮北朔里矿业有限责任公司,安徽 淮北 235000;2.中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083)
摘    要:煤矿井下开采引发地表沉陷是一种严重影响生命财产和生产安全的工程形变灾害,其形变信息有效表达和精准制图可大大减少矿区变形控制的成本,为矿山安全生产、保护煤柱留设、塌陷地治理、压煤村庄搬迁、破坏等级判定与损害补偿评估等方面提供更可靠的技术保障。基于矿山地图、实时卫星遥感影像与开采沉陷变形预计结果等数据,采用GIS空间分析和三维可视化技术,对淮北朔里矿区地表移动与变形的下沉(W)、水平移动(U)、水平变形(ε)、倾斜(i)和曲率(K)等形变类型进行了三维的专题信息与应用表达,其专题信息能更加直观有效地表达与准确清晰描述开采沉陷的地理位置、影响范围、受损害地物类型、形变方向与变形量大小等。

关 键 词:开采沉陷  遥感影像  GIS空间分析  三维可视化  专题应用

Three-dimensional expressing on thematic information of mining subsidence combined with remote sensing images
ZHANG Cheng1,MA Xiaodong2,YANG Keming2. Three-dimensional expressing on thematic information of mining subsidence combined with remote sensing images[J]. Journal of Safety Science and Technology, 2016, 12(7): 87-93. DOI: 10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2016.07.016
Authors:ZHANG Cheng1  MA Xiaodong2  YANG Keming2
Affiliation:(1. Huaibei Shuoli Mining Co., Ltd., Huaibei Anhui 235000, China;2. College of Geosciences and Survey Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract:Ground-surface subsidence induced by underground mining in coal mine is a serious engineering deformation hazard that impacts on the production, life and property safety, the effective expression and accurate drawing of the deformation information can greatly reduce the cost of mining deformation control, and provide more reliable technical guarantee for safe mining, setting the protective coal pillar, managing subsided land, moving villages in mining area, judging the damage levels, evaluating damage compensation and so on. Based on the data of mine maps, real-time satellite remote sensing images and predicting results of mining subsidence deformation, the 3D thematic information and their applications were expressed on the mining ground-surface movement and deformation of subsidence(W), horizontal movement(U), horizontal deformation(ε), inclining(i) and curvature(K) in Huaibei Shuoli mine area using the GIS spatial analysis and 3D visualization technologies. These thematic information can express more intuitively and effectively, and describe more accurately and clearly the mining subsidence in aspects such as the geographical location, affecting scope, damaged object types, deformation direction, size of deformation and so on.
Keywords:mining subsidence  remote sensing images  GIS spatial analysis  3D visualization  thematic application
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