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Case studies on summertime measurements of O3, NO2, and SO2 with a DOAS system in an urban semi-industrial region in Athens, Greece
Authors:Βasil E. Psiloglou  Ioanna K. Larissi  Μichael Petrakis  Athanasios G. Paliatsos  Αntonis Antoniou  Loisos G. Viras
Affiliation:1. Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, I. Metaxa and Vas. Pavlou, Palaia Penteli, 15236, Athens, Greece
2. Laboratory of Environmental Technology, Electronic Computer Systems Engineering Department, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, 250 Thivon and P. Ralli, 12244, Athens, Greece
3. General Department of Mathematics, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, 250 Thivon and P. Ralli, 12244, Athens, Greece
4. Directory of Monitoring, Central Water Service, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climatic Change, 147 Patission, 11251, Athens, Greece
Abstract:The objective of this study is to analyze the concentrations of SO2, NO2, and O3 measured by a Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) system that was operating at the campus of Technological Education Institute of Piraeus during 2008 and 2009 warm periods (July to September) in relation to the prevailing meteorological conditions. The DOAS system was operating in a particularly polluted area of the West part of Attica basin on a continuous basis, measuring the concentration levels of the main pollutants (O3, NO2, and SO2) as well as aromatic hydrocarbon substances (benzene, toluene, and xylene). According to the analysis, the SO2 concentration levels at this measuring site are rather high and this may be attributed to the characteristics of this measuring site. Proximity of roadways and local circulation are just some of the factors that can affect the concentration levels of monitoring of pollutant concentrations such as NO2 and surface ozone. The results provide evidence for the occurrence of an atmospheric phenomenon that produces higher ozone concentrations during weekends despite lower concentrations of ozone precursors. This phenomenon is known as the weekend effect.
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