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引用本文:陈 旸,邢 琪,陆春霞,王宇骏,陈能坚,刘振彬. 广州市空气可吸入性颗粒物化学元素组成特征[J]. 环境科学研究, 1999, 12(4): 1-5
作者姓名:陈 旸  邢 琪  陆春霞  王宇骏  陈能坚  刘振彬
作者单位:广州市环境监测中心站;广州 510030
摘    要:用安德森双道采样器、Teflon膜采集细颗粒物(PM2.5,Φ<2.5μm)和粗颗粒物(PM2.5~10,2.5≤Φ≤10μm),按时间分布均匀原则选取20个样品,用X-射线荧光光谱法测定其中的元素含量。分析了细、粗颗粒物中与人类活动污染有关的元素和典型的地壳元素的体积分数、与人类活动污染有关的元素的质量分数和富集系数。结果表明,广州市市区颗粒物元素污染相当严重,并以细颗粒物中更明显;与人类活动污染有关的元素更易在细颗粒物中富集,并在远离市中心区更明显;市中心区和远离市中心区的粗、细颗粒物污染最严重的元素均是S,Cl,Zn和Pb,显示了广州市的大气污染具有煤烟型硫氧化物污染的特点,同时又具有汽车尾气排放污染的特点 

关 键 词:细颗粒物   粗颗粒物   元素   富集系数   污染

The Element Composition Feature of the Ambient Inhalable= Particulate Matters in Guangzhou
CHEN Yang XING Qi LU Chunxia WANG Yujun CHEN Nengjian LIU Zhenbin. The Element Composition Feature of the Ambient Inhalable= Particulate Matters in Guangzhou[J]. Research of Environmental Sciences, 1999, 12(4): 1-5
Authors:CHEN Yang XING Qi LU Chunxia WANG Yujun CHEN Nengjian LIU Zhenbin
Affiliation:Guangzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Guangzhou 510030
Abstract:An Anderson dichotomous sampler was operated with Teflon filter membrane to collect fine(dp<2.5 m, PM2.5) and coarse particulate(2.5 mdp10 m,PM2.510). The element content was determined by Xray fluorescence. The volume fractions, mass fractions and enrichment coefficients of artificial pollutionrelated elements and the volume fractions of typical earth crust elements in both fine and coarse particulates were analyzed. The result indicated that the pollution of the particulaterelated elements in PM2.5 and PM2.510 in Guangzhou was pretty serious and it was more serious in PM2.5 than that in PM2.510. The pollutionrelated elements were easier to be enriched in the fine fraction, especially in the contrast site, and that the most seriouspollution elements were S,Cl, Zn and Pb. It showed that the air pollution in Guangzhou possessed the characteristic of coal smoke pollution of SOx, and also possessed the characteristic of vehicle emissions pollution simultaneously.
Keywords:PM2.5  PM2.510  Element  Enrichment coefficient  Pollution  
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