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引用本文:柳凤娟,向双,阳小成,孙书存. 两种光照生境下4种常绿阔叶树的单位叶面积干重、光合能力与化学防御物质含量比较[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2010, 0(4)
作者姓名:柳凤娟  向双  阳小成  孙书存
摘    要:亚热带常绿阔叶林下分布着可塑性强的耐荫植物,其叶片应对外界干扰的防御对策至少有物理性防御和化学性防御两种,这两种防御代价在一定的昆虫取食压力下在理论上应该存在权衡.为检验这种权衡是否普遍存在,分别测定了重庆缙云山4个常绿物种——光叶山矾(Symplocos lancifolia)、四川山矾(S.setchuensis)、四川毛蕊茶(Camellialawii)和细枝柃(Eurya loquaiana)在林窗和林下两种对照光环境下个体叶片的光饱和下的净光合速率、叶面积干重和部分化学防御物质含量.结果表明,4个物种生活在林窗的个体单位叶面积干重、叶片氮含量和单位面积净光合速率通常高于林下的个体,但是单位质量和单位面积的总酚含量和C/N值却低于林下的个体.蛋白质和非结构性碳水化合物含量在不同生境中没有显著差异.因为不同物种叶片对光照条件的响应不同,不同参数的变化在两种生境间的差异并不完全一致.本研究结果在一定程度上暗示了物种在林窗和林下分别倾向于采取物理和化学性防御对策,并初步证实了两种防御强度之间存在权衡关系.图4参40

关 键 词:单位叶面积干重  生活史权衡  物理防御  化学防御  亚热带常绿阔叶林  

Comparison of Leaf Mass per Area,Photosynthetic Capacity and Chemical Defense Traits of Four Evergreen Broad-leaved Tree Species under Contrasting Light Conditions
LIU Fengjuan,XIANG Shuang,YANG Xiaocheng,SUN Shucun. Comparison of Leaf Mass per Area,Photosynthetic Capacity and Chemical Defense Traits of Four Evergreen Broad-leaved Tree Species under Contrasting Light Conditions[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology, 2010, 0(4)
Authors:LIU Fengjuan  XIANG Shuang  YANG Xiaocheng&SUN Shucun
Affiliation:LIU Fengjuan1,XIANG Shuang1,YANG Xiaocheng2&SUN Shucun1** (1 ECORES Lab,Chengdu Institute of Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610041,China) (2College of Material and Chemistry&Chemical Engineering,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059,China)
Abstract:Shade-tolerant plants are usually phenotypically plastic in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests,and their leaves have at least two approaches to prevent insect herbivory,i.e.,physical and chemical defenses.According to resource allocation theory the two types of defensive costs should be negatively correlated.To examine whether the tradeoff between physical and chemical defenses is ubiquitous,light-saturated net photosynthetic rate,leaf mass per area(LMA), and concentrations of some chemicals were ex...
Keywords:leaf mass per unit area  life history tradeoff  physical defense  chemical defense  subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest  
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