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引用本文:姚平. 煤炭产业国际竞争力的遗传—投影寻踪评价[J]. 资源开发与保护, 2012, 0(4): 317-319
基金项目:教育部人文社科研究一般项目(编号:10YJC630348); 黑龙江省软科学攻关项目(编号:GC10D105); 黑龙江省普通高等学校青年学术骨干支持计划项目(编号:1251G056); 黑龙江科技学院青年才俊培养计划
摘    要:根据煤炭产业发展的实际状况,提出了煤炭产业竞争力评价的指标体系。采用探索性数据分析—投影寻踪法,结合遗传算法,建立了遗传—投影寻踪综合评价模型。以全球11个主要产煤国为对象进行了实证研究,验证了该方法的科学性和实践的可行性,提出提升我国煤炭产业竞争力的对策建议。

关 键 词:遗传算法  投影寻踪  煤炭产业  竞争力

Evaluation on International Competitiveness of Coal Industry Based on GA-PP Model
YAO Ping. Evaluation on International Competitiveness of Coal Industry Based on GA-PP Model[J]. , 2012, 0(4): 317-319
Authors:YAO Ping
Affiliation:YAO Ping(School of Economics and Management,Heilongjiang Institute of Science & Technology,Harbin 150027,China)
Abstract:The system of evaluation indicator system for coal industry competitiveness was put forward based on coal industry reality.The comprehensive model of integrating projection pursuit and genetic algorithm was established in this paper.The evaluation model was applied in the 11 main coal production countries in the world.The empirical study validated the model as scientific and feasible in practice.
Keywords:genetic algorithm  projection pursuit  coal industry  competitiveness
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