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引用本文:向跃霖. GIM(1)灰色模型预测环保投资趋势的可行性探析[J]. 重庆环境科学, 1996, 18(3): 45-48
摘    要:环保投资作为环保系统的一个子系统,并不一定具有指数函数规律。本文利用GIM(1)灰色模型,探析了它在环保投资趋势预测应用中的可行性。初步应用表明,在序列不完全满足光滑化条件时,GIM(1)灰色模型对系统变量的“白化”能力较GM(1,1)强,而与GSM(1)灰色模型相当,信息利用率高,是分析、预测环保投资动态发展趋势一条切实可行的途径。

关 键 词:环保投资 预测 环境保护

Discussion on the Feasibility for GIM(1) Grey Model to Forecast Environmental Protection Investment Trend
Xiang Yuelin. Discussion on the Feasibility for GIM(1) Grey Model to Forecast Environmental Protection Investment Trend[J]. Chongqing Environmental Science, 1996, 18(3): 45-48
Authors:Xiang Yuelin
Abstract:As a subsystem of environmental protection system,it's uncertain for environmental protection investment to follow exponent function law.In the paper,the feasibility of GIM(1) grey model in environmental protection investment trend forecasting was discussed.The result showed that,when the sequence contents smoothly curve incompletely,not only GIM(1) grey model is better than GM(1,1) one in Whitening system variable and comparable with GSM(1) one,but also its information rate is higher.
Keywords:GIM(1)  GSM(1)  GM(1  1)  Environmental protection investment  forecast
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