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Emissions from Slash Burning and the Influence of Flame Retardant Chemicals
Authors:D. V. Sandberg  S. G. Pickford  E. F. Darley
Affiliation:1. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station;2. University of California
Abstract:Pollutants sampled during the burning of 30 lb ponderosa pine fuel beds yielded emission factors for CO, hydrocarbon gases, and par-ticulate matter of 146, 8.4, and 9.1 lb/ton of fuel, respectively. When similar beds were treated with diammonium phosphate flame retardant, these factors increased to 166, 11.7, and 19.3 lb/ton of fuel, respectively.

Gas chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbon gases showed that 15-40% of this material was composed of methane and eth-ylene. Ethane and acetylene were the next most abundant materials, with photochemically important materials constituting minor portions of this gaseous component. Fuel beds treated with flame retardant produced more oiefins, and this production lasted throughout the smoldering phase of burning.

These tests showed that the smoldering phase of combustion is of major importance to air pollutant production during slash burning. The initial 80% of the fuel burned accounted for only 20-30% of HC and CO emissions. This suggests that a rapid mop-up of slash burns could substantially reduce air pollutant production.
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