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Dissolution and solubility of trace metals from natural and anthropogenic aerosol particulate matter
Authors:Desboeufs K V  Sofikitis A  Losno R  Colin J L  Ausset P
Institution:LISA, UMR CNRS 7583, Universités Paris 7 et 12, 61 Av. du General de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil Cedex, France. desboeufs@lisa.univ-paris12.fr
Abstract:An open flow reactor is used to simulate the dissolution process of mineral aerosol particles in atmospheric water droplets. Data on dissolution kinetic and solubility are provided for the major trace metals from two kinds of matrix: alumino-silicated and carbonaceous sample. The results emphasise that the metals contained in the carbonaceous aerosols are easier dissolved than in the alumino-silicated particles. The released concentrations are not related to the total metal composition or the origin of particles, but are directly associated with the type of liaisons whereby the metals are bound in the solid matrix. Thus, the metals coming from carbonaceous particles are adsorbed impurities or salts and hence are very soluble and with a dissolution hardly dependent on pH, whereas the metals dissolved from alumino-silicated particles are less soluble, notably the ones constitutive of the matrix network (Fe, Mn), and with a dissolution highly influenced by pH. Consequently, in the regions with an anthropogenic influence, the dissolved concentrations of metals found in the atmospheric waters are mainly governed by the elemental carbon content. Moreover, it appears that the dissolution kinetic of metals is not constant as a function of time. The dissolution rates are very rapid in the first 20 min of leaching and then they are stabilised to lower values in comparison to initial rates. By consequence, the total dissolved metal content is provided after the first 20 min of the droplet lifetime. For this reason, the effects of trace metals on the atmospheric aqueous chemistry and as atmospheric wet input to the marine biota are maximal for "aged" droplets.
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