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引用本文:张洪霞,周集体,张玉,张爱丽. 膜萃取邻甲酚废水的传质特性研究[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2009, 31(4)
作者姓名:张洪霞  周集体  张玉  张爱丽
摘    要:构造了卷绕式及管束式两种膜组件,采用均质硅橡胶膜,以氢氧化钠溶液为萃取液来萃取邻甲酚废水.通过考察邻甲酚初始浓度、两相流动状态、两相压差(△P)和温度等因素对传质过程的影响,研究了邻甲酚废水的膜萃取过程与机制.结果表明,初始质量浓度为21.93 g/L的邻甲酚废水很适合直接进行膜萃取;当△P<0.07 MPa时,总传质系数(Kov)随△P的增大而略有减小.当△P>0.07 MPa时,Kov随△P增大而显著增大,由实验数据拟合得到总的膜萃取传质模型.且该模型的实验值与理论值的相对误差在5%以内,满足工业设计要求.

关 键 词:均质硅橡胶膜  邻甲酚  膜萃取  传质  数学模型

Mass transfer characteristics of membrane extraction of o-cresol wastewater
Zhang Hongxia,Zhou Jiti,Zhang Yu,Zhang Aili. Mass transfer characteristics of membrane extraction of o-cresol wastewater[J]. Environmental Pollution & Control, 2009, 31(4)
Authors:Zhang Hongxia  Zhou Jiti  Zhang Yu  Zhang Aili
Affiliation:School of Environmental and Biological Science and Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian Liaoning 116023
Abstract:Two membrane modules of spiral wound and single tubular non-porous silicone rubber membranes and 12.8% NaOH stripping solution were employed for extraction of the o-cresol wastewater. Many extraction runs were conducted to determine the effects of feed o-cresol concentration,flow status as represented by the Reynolds number (Ref),pressure differential across the membrane,and system temperature (T) on the overall mass transfer coefficient (Kov) as well as to illustrate the mass transfer mechanism and o-creso...
Keywords:non-porous silicone rubber membane  o-cresol  membrane extraction  mass transfer  mathematical model  
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