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引用本文:张永勇,陈军锋,夏军,孟德娟. 温榆河流域闸坝群对河流水量水质影响分析[J]. 自然资源学报, 2009, 24(10): 1697-1705. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2009.10.002
作者姓名:张永勇  陈军锋  夏军  孟德娟
作者单位:1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室,北京 100101;2.水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉大学,武汉 430072;3.山东师范大学人口·资源与环境学院,济南 250014
摘    要:流域闸坝群对河流水文水环境的影响是目前变化环境下流域水循环研究中的热点和难点之一。论文从流域尺度上探讨了温榆河流域闸坝群对水文循环和污染物运移的作用,分析了闸坝群对温榆河干流水量和水质浓度的影响。研究表明:①闸坝群调蓄减小了温榆河的径流量,削减洪峰,调节非汛期径流,源头的水库对径流调蓄强,削峰显著,而中下游地区的闸坝对径流调蓄较弱,对汛期洪峰有削减作用,但增加了非汛期径流量;②对于河流水环境影响,源头水库库容大,纳污能力强,有助于消减坝上水质浓度,但在水库坝下以及中下游地区水闸,闸坝切断河流,降低河流流通性,水质浓度提高。研究将为认识温榆河流域水污染成因提供依据,同时也为流域水污染整治和水资源高效利用提供技术支撑。

关 键 词:水文及水环境  闸坝群  SWAT  温榆河流域  

Research on the Impact of Dams and Floodgates on Riverine Runoff and Water Quality in Wenyu River Basin
ZHANG Yong-yong,CHEN Jun-feng,XIA Jun,MENG De-juan. Research on the Impact of Dams and Floodgates on Riverine Runoff and Water Quality in Wenyu River Basin[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2009, 24(10): 1697-1705. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2009.10.002
Authors:ZHANG Yong-yong  CHEN Jun-feng  XIA Jun  MENG De-juan
Abstract:At present, the impact of dams and floodgates on riverine hydrology and water environment is one of the hotspots and difficulties in the basin water cycle research under the changing environment. Based on the advanced hydrological model SWAT, the paper has researched the action of dams and floodgates in Wenyu River Basin to the hydrological cycle and the pollutant migration in the basin scale, and has analyzed the impact such as Shahe Reservoir, Lutong gate, Xinpu gate, Weigou gate and Beiguan gate to the average value and extreme value of water quantity and water quality concentration in the main stream. The research shows that: 1) the dams' storage reduced Wenyu River' s runoff, cut down the peak of flood and changed the runoff in the non-flood season. The reservoirs in the source area have a higher storage capacity and peak clipped obviously. However, the dams and floodgates located in the middle and down stream have weaker storage capacity to change runoff and the peak clipping is not obviously, but increase the runoff in the non-flood season. And 2) the reservoirs located in the source area have larger storage capacity and the water environment capacities are large. Thus it' s helpful to reduce the pollutant concentration in the upper reaches of dams and floodgates. Nevertheless, the gates in the middle and down reaches cut off the river seriously and decrease the fluidity of river, the pollutant concentration increased. The research will provide the foundation for the reason analysis of water pollution and water resources shortage in Wenyu River Basin, and provide the technical supports for water pollution improvement and efficient utilization of water resources in the basin.
Keywords:SWAT  water quantity and quality  dams and floodgates  SWAT  Wenyu River Basin
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