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Ecotoxicity revealed in parasite communities of Sigmodon hispidus in terrestrial environments contaminated with petrochemicals
Authors:Faulkner B C  Lochmiller R L
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University, 430 Life Sciences West, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA.
Abstract:Several studies have documented contaminant-induced alterations in host-parasite relationships of vertebrate hosts in aquatic environments, suggesting this functional relationship may be useful for monitoring community-level effects of stressors in terrestrial systems. We hypothesized that gastrointestinal helminth communities of hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) hosts would be sensitive to exposure to complex mixtures of petrochemicals in soils of tallgrass prairie habitats contaminated with oil refinery wastes. Parasite communities were surveyed (1993-95) on three contaminated and two reference sites on an oil refinery complex in Oklahoma. Abundance of Schizotaenia sigmodontis infections was two-fold higher in hosts from reference than contaminated sites. Strongyloides sigmodontis exhibited pronounced seasonal differences in prevalence and abundance in host populations from reference sites, with much higher seasonal variation compared to hosts from contaminated sites. Other helminth species, including Schizotaenia sigmodontis, Protospirura muris, Longistriata adunca, also exhibited seasonal fluctuations in abundance. Differences in species richness and composition were also observed, with hosts from the reference sites consistently supporting a higher mean number of species compared to those from contaminated sites. Differences in community structure indicate that host-parasite relationships can provide another useful method for monitoring community-level impacts of contamination in a terrestrial system.
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