Evolving Expectations of Dam Removal Outcomes: Downstream Geomorphic Effects Following Removal of a Small,Gravel‐Filled Dam1 |
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Authors: | Kelly Kibler Desiree Tullos Mathias Kondolf |
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Affiliation: | 1. Respectively, Ph.D. Student, Water Resources Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97330;2. Assistant Professor, Biological and Ecological Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon;3. Professor (Leconte), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbro Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. |
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Abstract: | Kibler, Kelly, Desiree Tullos, and Mathias Kondolf, 2011. Evolving Expectations of Dam Removal Outcomes: Downstream Geomorphic Effects Following Removal of a Small, Gravel‐Filled Dam. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐16. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00523.x Abstract: Dam removal is a promising river restoration technique, particularly for the vast number of rivers impounded by small dams that no longer fulfill their intended function. As the decommissioning of small dams becomes increasingly commonplace in the future, it is essential that decisions regarding how and when to remove these structures are informed by appropriate conceptual ideas outlining potential outcomes. To refine predictions, it is necessary to utilize information from ongoing dam removal monitoring to evolve predictive tools, including conceptual models. Following removal of the Brownsville Dam from the Calapooia River, Oregon, aquatic habitats directly below the dam became more heterogeneous over the short term, whereas changes further downstream were virtually undetectable. One year after dam removal, substrates of bars and riffles within 400 m downstream of the dam coarsened and a dominance of gravel and cobble sediments replaced previously hardpan substrate. New bars formed and existing bars grew such that bar area and volume increased substantially, and a pool‐riffle structure formed where plane‐bed glide formations had previously dominated. As the Brownsville Dam stored coarse rather than fine sediments, outcomes following removal differ from results of many prior dam removal studies. Therefore, we propose a refined conceptual model describing downstream geomorphic processes following small dam removal when upstream fill is dominated by coarse sediments. |
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Keywords: | river restoration dam removal gravel‐bed rivers geomorphology sediment transport conceptual models |