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Assessment of the effectiveness of scup bycatch-reduction regulations in the Loligo squid fishery
Authors:Powell Eric N  Bonner Allison J  Muller Bruce  Bochenek Eleanor A
Affiliation:Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory, Rutgers University, 6959 Miller Ave., Port Norris, NJ 08349, USA. eric@hsrl.rutgers.edu
Abstract:Discard reduction is a component of the statutory requirements of the Sustainable Fisheries Act. One species of concern is scup, Stenotomus chrysops, discarded in the Loligo pealei fishery. Initially, regulations were imposed restricting the fishery in time and space to avoid areas and times associated with high scup discarding. Modified gear was required in 2003 on any boat fishing in areas otherwise closed to the fishery to reduce scup discarding. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the success of the 2003 net regulations and the potential influence of time-area closures (GRAs) in achieving a reduction in scup discarding. The regulations are based on three expectations. (1) Reduction in discarding in the Loligo squid fishery will materially reduce total scup discarding. (2) Exclusion of Loligo squid fishing vessels from the GRAs will result in these vessels fishing in areas that inherently produce fewer scup discards without equivalently increasing discarding in other sensitive species. (3) The use of a square-mesh large-mesh section in the extension will reduce scup discarding to the extent that otherwise would be achieved if the boats fished outside the GRAs without the economic cost imposed by redeploying the fleet. Analysis of the NMFS-NEFSC observer database offers no support for the belief that Expectation 1 has been met. Squid catches were too low to sustain a directed fishery in the northern GRA during this study. Thus, had this area been open, limited scup discarding would have occurred. In this study, squid catches averaged 1025 kg tow(-1) in the southern GRA. Thus, had the GRA been open, Loligo fishing would have taken place. Yet, in the 34 tows taken by two vessels, not a single scup was caught. Redeployment of the fleet clearly increased scup discarding in 2003. Thus, Expectation 2 was not met. Field tests demonstrated that the implemented net modification can produce reduced catches of mostly smaller-sized finfish without impairing squid catch, but the data also indicate that this result may not be routinely achieved. Thus, Expectation 3 was not completely met. Implementation of the 2003 net regulation was likely premature, in that the specification was not adequate to guarantee the desired results. The history of the scup discarding issue in the Loligo squid fishery demonstrates that discard reduction cannot be accomplished without adequate prior evaluation of the sources of discards, without the requisite and concomitant experimental evaluation of the results of regulatory reform, and without adequate commercial-scale testing of prospective reforms prior to implementation.
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