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引用本文:袁兴中,刘红. 山东省生物旅游资源及其开发保护[J]. 资源开发与市场, 1993, 0(2)
作者姓名:袁兴中  刘红
作者单位:曲阜师范大学,曲阜师范大学 曲阜 273165,曲阜 273165
摘    要:本文对生物旅游资源的概念和山东省生物旅游资源的现状、开发和保护作了初步探讨。生物旅游资源是旅游资源体系的重要组成部分,主要包括植物旅游资源和动物旅游资源两大类。山东省地理位置优越,生态环境多样,因而具有极为丰富的生物旅游资源.突出表现在种类丰富,珍稀种类众多,时空分布格局较好,鸟类、温带花果为其优势资源,具有较高的观赏、游览和科学考察价值。丰富的生物旅游资源在山东的旅游业中占有独特的位置,应该科学、合理地加以开发,开展生态旅游、观鸟旅游、观果、赏花旅游及科学考察旅游,在开发利用的同时,加强保护。

关 键 词:山东省  生物旅游资源  开发与保护

The Deveopment and Couservstion of the Organism Tourism Resources of Shandong Province
Yuan Xingzhong Liu Hong. The Deveopment and Couservstion of the Organism Tourism Resources of Shandong Province[J]. Resource Development & Market, 1993, 0(2)
Authors:Yuan Xingzhong Liu Hong
Abstract:In this paper,following issues are discussed:the concept of organism tourism resources,the organism tourism resources in Shandong province,its development and conservation.The organ- ism tourism resources is the important part of the tourism resource system.It comprises two as- pacts,plant tourism resources,animal tourism resource.There are abundant organism tourism in Shandong province.Especially,there are a lot of resource superiorities and potentialities waiting to be exploited,including numerous birds,flowers and fruits of temperate zone,etc.The main mea- sures for developing organism tourism resources of Shandong province may be considered as fol- lows:developing ecological tourism,tourism of ornamental birds,tourism of ornamental flowers and fruits,toursim of scientific investigation,etc.Also some suggestions for scientific development and conservation of the organism tourism resources are discussed.
Keywords:Shandong province  organism tourism resource  development and conservation  
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