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Duplicate sampling reproducibility of atmospheric residues of herbicides for paired pan and high-volume air samplers
Authors:Cessna A J  Waite D T  Kerr L A  Grover R
Affiliation:Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB.
The reproducibility of collection of atmospheric residues of the herbicides 2,4-D and triallate as bulk (wet plus dry) deposition samples by paired pan samplers and as particulate (filter) and vapour (PUF/XAD-2 resin cartridge) samples by paired high-volume air samplers was determined. Variability of herbicide concentrations in paired bulk deposition samples was within 25% for 65 and 80% of the samples for 2,4-D and triallate, respectively, with approximately 90% of the paired samples being within a factor of 2 for both herbicides. The vapour samples of 2,4-D and triallate showed similar reproducibilities. The highest reproducibility was observed for the filter samples with 92% of the paired data sets for 2,4-D being within 25% variability. No triallate was detected in the filter samples.
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