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The Variability of Estimates of Variance, and Its Effect on Power Analysis in Monitoring Design
Authors:Janet M. Carey  Michael J. Keough
Affiliation:(1) Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract:Power analysis can be a valuable aid in the design of monitoringprograms. It requires an estimate of variance, which may come from a pilot study or an existing study in a similar habitat. For marine benthic infauna, natural variation in abundances canbe considerable, raising the question of reliability of varianceestimates. We used two existing monitoring programs to generatemultiple estimates of variance. These estimates were found to differ from nominated best estimates by 50% or more in 43% of cases, in turn leading to under or over-estimation of samplesize in the design of a notional monitoring program. The twostudies, from the same general area, using the same samplingmethods and spanning a similar time scale, gave estimatesvarying by more than an order of magnitude for 25% of taxa.We suggest that pilot studies for ecological monitoring programsof marine infauna should include at least two sampling times.
Keywords:infauna  MBACI  monitoring design  pilot study  statistical power  variance
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