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引用本文:郑丹楠 王雪松 谢绍东 段 雷 陈东升. 2010年中国大气氮沉降特征分析[J]. 中国环境科学, 2014, 34(5): 1089-1097
作者姓名:郑丹楠 王雪松 谢绍东 段 雷 陈东升
摘    要:利用区域空气质量模式Models-3/CMAQ对我国2010年的氮沉降特征进行了模拟分析.结果表明,2010年我国氮沉降总量约为7.6′ 103Gg,化学组成上以NHx-N(包括NH3、NH4+中的氮)沉降为主,平均占到2/3以上.夏季氮沉降量最高,冬季最低.干沉降为氮沉降的主要途径(约占62%),主要为气态含氮污染物的贡献,湿沉降的氮则主要来自颗粒态的铵盐和硝酸盐.我国氮沉降的空间分布具有东高西低、地区间差异显著的特征,高沉降通量区域主要集中在华北平原、四川盆地、华中的中南部、两广以及东北部分地区.加强对氨排放的管理和控制,同时重视东部沿海的发达地区的氮氧化物排放,对减少氮沉降具有重要意义.

关 键 词:大气氮沉降  时空分布  季节变化  CMAQ  

Simulation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China in 2010
ZHENG Dan-Nan,WANG Xue-Song,XIE Shao-Dong,DUAN Lei,CHEN Dong-Sheng. Simulation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China in 2010[J]. China Environmental Science, 2014, 34(5): 1089-1097
Authors:ZHENG Dan-Nan  WANG Xue-Song  XIE Shao-Dong  DUAN Lei  CHEN Dong-Sheng
Abstract:The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system was applied to simulate the atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in China during 2010. The budget of N deposition for China was 7.6′103Gg in 2010, which was dominated by deposition of reduced nitrogen (accounting for 2/3). N deposition was highest in summer and lowest in winter. Dry deposition was the predominant form of N deposition (accounting for 62%), mainly contributed by the gaseous nitrogen pollutants, while wet deposition was mainly attributed to particulate ammonium and nitrate. The N deposition varied greatly in space, with high values in the east and low in the west. Specifically, high N deposition was found in the North China Plain, the Sichuan Basin, southern central of Central China, Guangdong and Guangxi, and parts of the Northeast. Thus, reduction of N deposition in China would depend on the control of emissions of ammonia, as well as those of nitrogen oxide in the developed eastern coastal areas.
Keywords:atmospheric nitrogen deposition  spatial-temporal variation  seasonal variation  CMAQ  
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