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引用本文:钟文珏,王东红,徐小卫,原盛广,王子健. 再生水中优先控制有毒污染物的筛查方法[J]. 中国环境科学, 2011, 31(2): 332-339
作者姓名:钟文珏  王东红  徐小卫  原盛广  王子健
摘    要:建立了一种适用于再生水中优先控制有毒有机污染物筛查的方法.针对样品前处理方法中的固相萃取柱的选择和洗脱剂条件等进行了优化设计,利用保留时间锁定和谱图解卷积技术分辨复杂系统中的目标污染物,并利用有毒化合物数据库进行有毒污染物甄别.结果表明,采用C18柱串联HLB柱的方法进行富集,用1:1(V/V)的正己烷/二氯甲烷混合溶剂和4:1(V/V)的二氯甲烷/甲醇混合溶剂进行分级洗脱的前处理方法,对分配系数(logKow)在1.48~6.41之间的30种化合物平均回收率在52.1%~138%之间,相对标准偏差值均<13.6%.将该方法应用于天津空港地区再生水中有毒有机污染物的筛查,2007~2008年度2次采集样品分别筛查出30种有毒有机污染物,其中有7种属于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》中已列入监管范围的污染物,11种未列入排放标准监测范围.比较污水处理厂进、出水以及地表水中检出污染物,发现现有污水处理工艺对筛查出的优先有机污染物处理效果不佳.

关 键 词:优控污染物  筛查方法  再生水  

A new method for screening the priority toxic contaminants in reclaimed water
ZHONG Wen-jue,WANG Dong-hong,XU Xiao-wei,YUAN Sheng-guang,WANG Zi-jian. A new method for screening the priority toxic contaminants in reclaimed water[J]. China Environmental Science, 2011, 31(2): 332-339
Authors:ZHONG Wen-jue  WANG Dong-hong  XU Xiao-wei  YUAN Sheng-guang  WANG Zi-jian
Abstract:A new method for screening priority toxic organic contaminants in reclaimed water was proposed. In the procedure,combination of C18 and HLB solid-phase extraction cartridges and elution conditions were optimized. Toxic contaminants in complex matrix were characterized using both retention time lock (RTL) and deconvolution technology, and identified based on the hazardous chemical database (HCD). The recoveries of 30contaminants with log Kow between 1.48 and 6.41were from 52.1% to 138% (RSD <13.6%). The method was applied for screening the priority toxic contaminants in the reclaimed waters in Tianjin City in 2007and 2008, respectively. A total of 30toxic contaminants were identified, in which 7are regulated and 11are unregulated. Comparing their concentrations in influents, effluents and the receiving waters, it was found that the present treatment processes were not quite efficient regarding to the removal of the toxic contaminants from wastewaters.
Keywords:priority contaminants  screening method  reclaimed water
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